FAQ - Trouble checking out?

Sadly we've had feedback from some customers that they have trouble when adding items to their cart. We have discovered this to be a browser issue. If this happens to you please follow the steps below. (Note: it should be resolved after step 1 and you won't have to do step 2)

1) Click the "Settings" icon in Internet Explorer, and then select F12 Developer Tools. There will be a window that pops up on the screen, from there you'll want to make sure you select "Browser Mode: IE8 | Document Mode: IE8 Standards"

2) Make sure your cookie security levels are allowing the cart details to be saved to your computer, so the items will remain in your cart when you click through pages. Click the Settings icon again, and then Internet Options. Click the Privacy tab, and set your "Settings" slider to "Low".

After changing these settings, close out Internet Explorer and try adding items to your cart again. If that still fails to work you'll want to use a different browser, such as the latest version of Google Chrome or Firefox. These browsers are the most compatible with Big Cartel, and will increase the speed and functionality of the majority of websites you visit as well.


Thank you for Co-operation

 PTL xx